Hi, I’m Ariel

A space-holder of healing, connection, and transformation


I walk with people back to their bodies, their hearts, and their soul. Supporting you in stepping into your empowerment. In your journey to embodiment, sovereignty, a sense of belonging, and freedom.


I weave together spiritual and western teachings. Integrating the wisdom I receive from the elements and consciousness of the plants I sit with and western knowledge on working with the nervous system and trauma.

This work continues to change my life, as Ariel offers empowering strategies so the transformation continues long after the session ends. I would recommend working with Ariel to anyone who is committed to healing and growing in their life, mentally, physically and spiritually.
— Kathleen

I am passionate about de-armoring of the physical, emotional, and energetics bodies.

I am dedicated to supporting people in remembering their interdependence, inherent value, and connection to the Earth and Cosmos. 

I am committed to a life of service as a midwife for collective liberation. Formally certified as a Somatic Sex Educator, Sexological Bodyworker, and Somatic Psychedelic Therapist, I walk the shamanic path in service to the earth and plant medicine.

I identify as white, non-disabled, middle-class, cis-gendered, queer, pansexual, poly, kinky, and witchy.

I live and work on the land of the Naumkeag people, colonially known as Salem, MA. 


I came into this work through my own rebirth and transformation.

I have walked the path of re-inhabiting my body, liberating my soul, and freeing my voice. Now I walk with others, holding the light, as they do the same. 


 My lived experience allows me to hold a wide and deep container.

As a former full-service sex worker and sexually trafficked person. Survivor of childhood sexual abuse, domestic violence, and rape. I have traversed disconnection from our bodies and hearts.

I have seen and experienced the potent healing power of erotic energy and loving present touch, to heal these wounds of separation.

I have come to see each trauma in my own life as a seed for growth and transformation. My trauma blooms into flowers.

My path to freedom began when I committed to discovering myself.


Through erotic exploration, somatic bodywork, talk therapy, energy work, spiritual development, inner-child dialoguing, rest, art, music, plant medicine, and psychedelics I unwind and alchemize my trauma, detox from the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy that I grew up in, and still exist within, unlearn patterns and ideologies, practice new ways of being, and build new neural pathways.

I use expanded states of consciousness to experience states of being that were previously inaccessible to me, to expand my capacity, and build resiliency.


When you’re ready, let’s connect.

In this work, we reclaim the body.

Learn to rest in the safety of your body.

Unwind shame.

Experience pleasure.

In this work, I find my purpose in supporting your freedom.

I have discovered the key to living a fulfilling, connected, aligned and purpose filled life lays in reconnecting with our bodies and reclaiming our life force energy.

In learning to listen. In building the capacity to be with our grief and our pleasure. In cultivating a felt sense of safety so that we may allow ourselves to be seen and heard and give and receive love. Coming back into connection with our inner knowing and the wisdom of the earth. Remembering our inherent belonging.

Making peace with your body is about awakening to who you have always been: the physical, spiritual, and energetic manifestation of radical self-love.

Together we will disrupt decades of tired body-shame practices using the only map we ever needed for the journey: a map back to ourselves.
— Sonya Renee Taylor

Formal Education & Training

Plant Dietas with Maestra Matilda, student

Plant Dietas and Shamanic Coaching with Kat Courtney, student

3 Keys to Genital Dearmoring, Rahi Chun, 2023

Holding Sacred Space, Ash Canty, 2023

Perfect Touch Method Certification with Mehdi Darvish Yahya, 2023

Psychic Mentorship with Ash Canty, 2022

Complex Trauma Certification with Janina Fisher, PESI, student

Somatic Sex Educator, Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education, 2022

Sexological Bodyworker, Institute for the Study of Somatic Sex Education, 2022

Embodied Ethics, The Institute for Erotic Intelligence, 2022

Touch Practice in the Psychedelic-Assisted Session with Rita Bozi, 2022

Reiki, Initiated by Metsa Nihue, 2022

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy, Modules 1-5, Polaris Insight Center, 2021

Psychedelic Somatic Interactional Therapist, PSI, 2021

Disassociation and the Body Workshop, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy Institute, 2021

Wheel of Consent Workshop, 2021

Attachment and Trauma, The Touching Cure, 2020

Certified Coach Training module 1, iPEC, 2017

BA in Studio Art, Mount Holyoke College, 2009


Ayahuasca ceremonies in the Shipibo tradition

Ceremonies with psilocybin, san pedro, ketamine, MDMA, and LSD

Psychedelic somatic interactive psychotherapy sessions assisted with cannabis

Inner child dialoging and spiritual development with Nancy Swisher

Energy work and spiritual development with Kristin Bremidus 

Spiritual development with Metsa Nihue

Healing honestly coaching program for CSA survivors

15+ years of talk therapy

In my house


My spirit went to sleep.

Living a shadow of my former self.

I climbed mountains of darkness, all alone.

And with each mountain I climbed, I spun another layer of self-hatred around my skeleton.

I charged ahead, unaware of the other paths.

Determined to reach the moon, where I’d receive everything I needed.

And when I did reach the moon, she told me that the love I was looking for was already inside of me.

So I handed her the end of my thread and jumped.

Unraveling, all the way down, until I hit the earth and woke up.

 -Ariel Szabo